Sleep Studies

sleep study

Get Energized with Good Sleep 

Good sleep matters, and we’re here to help you get the good sleep you need
to live a healthy, productive life.

How did you sleep last night?

Did you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep?  Did you make a few trips to the bathroom?  Did you wake yourself up because you were snoring or gasping for air?  Were you tired or fatigued when you got up this morning?  If your answer most days is “yes” to any or all these questions, you may have a sleep disorder.

Chronically suffering from poor sleep can cause daytime tiredness, reduce your productivity at work, cause you to feel unmotivated, and increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Sleep deprivation can also cause serious or deadly car accidents. Did you know that being sleepy while driving is as bad as being intoxicated?

Living a healthy life depends on your body and mind being well-rested. A solid night’s sleep energizes you and helps maintain general good health.

What are sleep disorders?

One of the most common sleep disorders is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). If you stop breathing or your breathing slows down significantly while sleeping, it may be OSA. Snoring and gasping/choking are common symptoms. This happens because your tongue blocks your airway, or your airway narrows during sleep.

Other disorders that could be diagnosed, depending on your symptoms, could be Central Sleep Apnea, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (not the same as Restless Leg Syndrome), Chronic Insomnia or Narcolepsy.

Can children have sleep disorders?

Many children suffer from sleep disorders, but often these are not recognized. Some signs may be bedwetting, bedtime struggles, night terrors and snoring. In fact, many children who are diagnosed with ADHD have an underlying sleep disorder.

In our sleep labs, we offer unique family accommodations for pediatric sleep studies. We provide a comfortable setting for little ones!

How do we diagnose a sleep disorder?

Your family doctor first prescribes a sleep study (polysomnography study) for you. Sometimes, the first step is a home sleep test (depending on your insurance). If a sleep lab test is recommended, remember you can choose where to have this study performed.

In the lab, the sleep study records your sleep patterns by analyzing your sleep stages, air flow, muscle movements, and oxygen levels. The test is painless and non-invasive. In a nutshell, we give you a comfy bedroom in one of our sleep labs, hook up a few monitors, and then you relax and go to bed.

Your study will be interpreted by a sleep medicine physician who will diagnose and make treatment recommendations if you test positive for a sleep disorder.

Why should I choose your sleep labs over others?

Having a private bedroom in a home-like environment with a comfortable bed for your sleep study means you’ll be more relaxed. Hospital sleep labs are, well, in a hospital. Who sleeps well in a hospital bed?

Our test equipment is the same quality as in a hospital, and we use the same doctors to interpret test results. Plus, our turnaround time for test results is FAST. We also offer home sleep tests.

You have a choice! Ask your doctor to refer you to us. We’re a local sleep lab staffed by local professionals, not an impersonal national online company.

Sleep studies are offered through our affiliated companies, Center Pointe Sleep Associates and Sleep Wellness Center, with several locations in western Pennsylvania.

We’re proud to be a Center of Excellence for Inspire Sleep Apnea Therapy, an alternative to CPAP treatment. We perform this simple outpatient procedure in our labs.

Testing Offered

  • Polysomnography (Sleep Study)
  • HST (Home Sleep Testing)
  • MSLT (Multiple Sleep Latency Test)
  • MWT (Maintenance of Wakefulness Test)
  • Pediatric testing (ages 2 & up)

They are the most compassionate people I have ever met. They care about the patients.

– Sandy D.